Got a new joint for y'all. It's from an album Paradox (DropSci Giants) and I are working on (more details about the album soon enough). This one has two super heavy emcees featured on it, Griffin (Tunnel Rats) and Relic [the Oddity]. Both make strong contributions; Relic specifically with a strong, soulful hook. As usual, this one features a beat and cuts by myself. Expect more in-tuned, insightful songs from Paradox, as the album progresses. Also, credit to Paradox for orchestrating the collaborations.
Paradox & DJ Sean P - Here Lies (feat. Relic & Griffin) by DJSeanP
Paradox & DJ Sean P - Here Lies
featuring Relic (the Oddity) & Griffin (of Tunnel Rats)
Produced and Cuts by DJ Sean P